crap topic

Posted on May 21st, 2023
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crap topic

I have revised and added to this crap topic - ahem.

You have to talk about it, sometimes.

First of all, I have a suggestion.

You should know that in the late 19th century, the suitability of human excrement as fertilizer was rediscovered.

And they became a currency in demand. A French philosopher suggested that people should collect their excrement and then give it to the state in lieu of taxes.

I don't think that's a bad idea at all.

But now to the point:

I came across this nice graphic.

It is nobly called the Bristol Stool Shape Scale.

And it shows how long the food took to pass through the intestine. And it goes from 100!(stage 1) to 10 hours (stage7).

Not so uninteresting to know, because maybe you know that if the feces stays in the intestine for a very long time, the risk of colon cancer increases.

And this chart is very good for communicating about bowel movements so that you understand each other. For example, at the doctor's office.

And now again more precisely.

No. 3 and 4 are desirable.

1 and 2 belong to constipation and stay too long in the intestine. Here you should drink a lot more and eat more fiber as soon as possible. Fruits like melon and mango can also help. Alcohol should be avoided.

No. 5 could belong to someone who eats a lot of vegetables or reaches for sugary chewing gum too often.

Types 6 and 7 belong to diarrhea. If it lasts longer than three days, you should go to the doctor and clarify it.

Now a few more hints that are not on this chart.

* Very light-colored stools may indicate a liver or gallbladder problem, especially if the urine is dark.

* Shiny stools may indicate a fat digestion disorder, especially if very sticky to the toilet.

* Black stool can indicate either special food or iron tablet use. But it could also be blood in the feces. Such blood usually comes from the stomach, for example, from an ulcer.Have this clarified.

* Blood mixed in the stool comes from the intestine. Can be something bad, but not necessarily.

* Blood on the stool comes from the rectum or anus. It usually comes from hemorrhoids. If it happens more often, check it out. In rare cases, it can be something stupid.

* Diarrhea and constipation alternately can indicate irritable bowel syndrome (unpleasant but harmless), but also other diseases.

That is the most important thing.

Maybe you will take a closer look soon.

But I still have some interesting information that can help you to show your knowledge at the next party.

* Vegetarians excrete something like 300-400 grams more per sitting than meat eaters. This opens up a whole new set of problems for us if the world does indeed go vegetarian, as some would like.

* In return, the excrement of meat eaters stinks more. The chemical substances, which develop with the dismantling of animal 'proteins, stink.

* Each person leaves behind an average of 100 kilos per year. Berlin generates a pile of 800 tons. Per day.

* After the 2001 attacks, toilet paper with bin Laden's face on it was sold in New York.

* Man spends on average one year of his life on the toilet.

* Only since 1600 A.D. people like to be alone in the bathroom, , but only since 1900 it was possible to lock the door from the inside.

* When there were still domestic servants in middle-class houses, they still had to continue working unpaid after their employment ended. With the "shit days" the time was compensated, which they had spent before during the service time on toilet.

* Coproscopy is the attempt to read the character of a person and his fate from his excrement. It was done especially in ancient times.

And the most important thing:

Even the very worst cesspool only stinks for 15 minutes.

We have a self-protection system that prevents us from noticing the smell afterwards.

What a miracle humans are.

Health Tips

Posted on:
May 21st, 2023